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Privacy policy

How we deal with personal data

What personal information we collect

When you subscribe to features your purchase history, billing address and payment information is stored by RevenueCat, our subscription service.
Your personal information is never sold or shared with anyone else.

Where my tasks and events are stored?

Events are stored in the Mac OS calendars that you subscribe from the application. 
Tasks are stored in respective accounts of the providers that you subscribed to: Trello or Mac OS Reminders
Pomodoros and Goals are stored in local sqlite database on your computer at the ~/Library/Containers/com.mefocused.mefocused/Data/Documents folder which is the Apple designated folder for sandboxed application data

What other data do you collect?

Me Focused collects statistics of application feature usage and crash reports that are not linked to any user identity or specific device. 

The data are collected by Microsoft App Center and protected affording to Microsoft App Center privacy policy and guidelines at:

None of the precautions are applicable to Me Focused because we do not add any personal information to events, crash reports or custom properties. 

Privacy Policy: FAQ
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